Workshops and webinars

I've put together a series of workshops that can be taken individually, or as a series. I call them the "5 Cs" workshops. Navigating Net Zero can be a complicated journey, and taking things step by step can be the most effective way of making progress.

Each workshop can be taken in person on remotely. I can tailor each workshop to your companies needs, and there's always interactive elements to keep people engaged, talking, and thinking about the Net Zero journey.


Culture serves as the pulse of every company, shaping its personality, problem-solving methods, and ultimately, its path to success. In the journey towards achieving net zero emissions and combating climate change, the significance of company culture cannot be emphasised enough.


Accurate CO₂e (carbon dioxide equivalent) calculations help you identify the major emission sources within your company. It's like having a map while hiking; you need to know the tough spots, so you can plan your route better. Whether it's energy use, transportation, or waste management, understanding your emissions helps you target efforts more effectively.


Announcing your Net Zero goal is a fantastic marketing move. Today's consumers are more environmentally conscious than ever. They want to support businesses that are part of the solution, not the problem.


Announcing your Net Zero goal is a fantastic marketing move. Today's consumers are more environmentally conscious than ever. They want to support businesses that are part of the solution, not the problem.

Carry on

Integrating eco-friendly practices into Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) isn't just about compliance or ticking boxes; it's about making sustainability second nature in our workplace. Think of it as programming our operations to be greener by design, making sure every process considers its environmental footprint.


A certificate at the end of a webinar series might not feel like a game-changer, but it’s a tangible mark of your commitment and seriousness towards your goals. At Ardea Eco-innovation, we know that every little step counts on the journey to achieving Net Zero, and grabbing every learning opportunity is a step in the right direction.