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Carbon reducing "Quick Wins"

Posted by Dr Zoe Detko | December 9, 2023

lots of crushed plastic waste

"What is the first step?"

"What can I do today?"

"What changes save the most money?"

I will always advocate that the very first step is to do the carbon accounting, you can't reduce a number if you don't know it. But in most cases the businesses that I work with are looking to take some action to reduce their emissions from the off. There are many ways that businesses can reduce their carbon emissions. Some of these changes can be made quickly and easily, while others may require more time and investment.

Engaging your staff in the journey you're about to take, to reduce emissions and be more sustainable, can have a huge impact. When people understand the processes and consequences then they are more likely to act. I also find that a bit of healthy competition can help, "who can use the least petrol", "which office can use heating/AC the least"?

In the many years I have been working with businesses, I have found that the following carbon reducing quick wins are the easiest to apply and give quick reward. Businesses can implement these today, although not all of them will be applicable to your specific business:

  • Switch to energy-efficient lighting
  • Install a smart thermostat
  • Watch a video on eco-efficient driving
  • Check and reduce any vampire power use
  • Add sensors to your lights
  • Reduce office heating - sitting colder people together can help
  • Meat free Mondays
  • Encourage car sharing
  • Switch to renewable energy providers
  • Tap aerators
  • Host meetings online where possible
  • Buy local to reduce the miles your purchases travel
  • Use public transport

The list above should make for a great start in your journey towards a more sustainable business. If you want some more personalise suggestions or to look in to starting to measure your emissions then please get in touch, we would love to help!