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How Many Hedgehog Houses Do I Need in My Garden to Offset the Log Burner?

Posted by Dr Zoe Detko | January 16, 2024

a hedgehog rolled in a ball on its back . super cute

The Warm Glow of the Log Burner vs. Mother Nature

Log burners, while they bring a rustic charm to our evenings, do have a downside. They emit carbon dioxide and other pollutants, contributing to climate change and local air pollution.

Hedgehog Houses: The Spiky Solution?

So, is there anything that we can do about this, using hedgehogs? Hedgehogs are an indicator species, meaning that when we see them in the environment, we know that there is a healthy habitat. Providing homes for the hedgehogs can be a small step in encouraging biodiversity in our gardens. But can they really offset your log burner’s carbon emissions? Well, not directly. Hedgehog houses are more about supporting wildlife than absorbing CO2.

However, incorporating more greenery and biodiversity in your garden can help create a more balanced ecosystem. Plants and trees absorb carbon dioxide, and a rich, diverse garden can be your tiny but mighty contribution to fighting climate change.

So, How Many Hedgehog Houses Do I Need?

While there's no exact number that will offset a log burner, every little helps. Why not start with one or two and grow your garden’s biodiversity from there? I have one in my garden and late this summer we had 5 hedgehogs visiting.

I managed to borrow a wildlife camera to get some pictures of the hedgehogs that were visiting my garden.

Hedgehog family next to the house

If you want to buy a hedgehog house for your garden then both the RSPCA and the RSPB have some.

If you want to build your own then the RSPCA have some instructions here.

We were feeding ours some high meat content cat food, which they loved, but also attracted cats. So we then put the food inside the house, which only has a hedgehog sized entrance.

Night time shot of hedgehogs

Real Actions to Offset Your Log Burner

Plant Trees and Shrubs: These are the real heroes in carbon absorption. The more, the merrier (and greener).

Go for Sustainable Wood: If you’re using a log burner, ensure the wood is sustainably sourced.

Regular Maintenance: Keep your log burner in top shape to ensure it burns efficiently and with reduced emissions.

Balance with Energy Efficiency: Improve insulation in your home, so you need to burn less.

Consider Renewable Alternatives

The Bigger Picture

While our hedgehog houses might not directly offset the log burner’s carbon footprint, they symbolise our commitment to nurturing nature. It’s about taking small steps towards a larger goal. Every hedgehog house, every new plant, and every sustainable choice adds up to a greener future.