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The NHS Goes Green: What Does This Mean for Your Business?

Posted by Dr Zoe Detko | November 8, 2023


The NHS is the largest employer in the UK, and it has a significant impact on the environment. In 2020, the NHS emitted 30 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, making it the fifth largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the UK.

In response to this, the NHS has committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2040.

The NHS is working with its suppliers to reduce their carbon emissions. In September 2021, the NHS England Public Board approved a road map to help suppliers align with their net zero ambition between now and 2030.

The road map sets out a number of requirements for suppliers, including:

  • Publishing a Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) for their UK Scope 1 and 2 emissions and a subset of scope 3 emissions as a minimum by April 2024
  • Publicly reporting targets, emissions and publishing a CRP for global emissions aligned to the NHS net zero target by April 2027
  • Providing carbon foot printing for individual products supplied to the NHS from April 2028.

The NHS net zero supplier road map is a significant step forward in the NHS's commitment to climate action. It is a clear signal to suppliers that the NHS is serious about reducing its carbon emissions, and it provides a framework for suppliers to make progress on their own sustainability journeys. The road map is also an important opportunity for suppliers to demonstrate their leadership on climate action.

All of the data and information that is necessary to complete the CRP is available between the NHS website, the Government GHG conversion factors and your own company data. If you would like some help in completing the CRP then please get in touch.